Come and read tips for properly planning your week and shopping

tonight's Plans?
Are you expecting a busy week that will reduce time spent in the kitchen? This is not the time to buy lots of vegetables, fruits and other products that will “hang out” in the fridge. Alternatively, did you overdo it by buying fruits and vegetables that will soon be too ripe? Invite friends over for a meal!

Host with logic
When it comes to guests, most of us like to overload the table and create a feeling of abundance, but is it really necessary?

Inventory check
After deciding what you will cook this week and before going shopping, take a look in the refrigerator and in the pantry and check what is already there and does not need to be renewed.

Buy “Close”
Public surveys reveal that monthly shopping trips at a large supermarket does not guarantee financial savings, since a large part of the inexpensive groceries will be thrown away because we did not have time to use them. Prioritize small one-off purchases of products required for the upcoming meal and avoid large and excessive purchases.